Tirso Pascual

Tirso  Pascual

 Tokyo-based Software Engineer.

Before I used to design cars, now I try to build great software. In my spare time, you will find me surfing or driving in my simulator. Feel free to reach out to me any time! 😄

Selected Products

My project selection. Feel free to take a look at the source code.


Quick prototypes, work in progress or abandoned experiments I've done in Javascript:

GitHub finder w. Tailwind

Find out all the information about a user in GitHub with this finder. First time using Tailwind. Build w. React.

🔐 Authentication with Bcrypt

Simple demo showing the functionality of Bcrypt and how to store user passwords in MongoDB.

⚛️ My first React App

Always trying to use the perfect GIF for each occasion? This GIF seeker app built with React will help you!

Tech-stack and GitHub's contributions:

React Typescript Jest JavaScript HTML CSS Tailwind Bootstrap SCSS
Node.js Ruby Rails MongoDB PostgreSQL Firebase
Git GitHub Heroku Netlify Figma
Tirso Pascual's Github chart

Design inspired by my good friend Francisco Presencia's site.